Emergency Solutions Grant Program
What Is the ESG Program?
The Emergency Solutions Grant program (ESG) provides any individual experiencing homelessness with emergency shelter and essential supportive services as well as homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing. Additionally the ESG program supports the activity of street outreach with the goal of connecting those individuals and families living on the streets or in areas not meant for human habitation to emergency shelter or housing options. For those unwilling or unable to access shelter, outreach workers will provide these most vulnerable individuals with portable shelter, food, clothing, and more.
West Virginia Community Advancement and Development’s (WVCAD) goal is to enable those experiencing homelessness, or at-risk of being homeless to get back on their feet by providing stable housing environments throughout the State of West Virginia. The ESG program is by no means a “hand out”, but instead a “hand up” in providing housing and supportive services with hopes that the end result is self-sustainability with no return to honmelessness.
To achieve this, WVCAD provides funding and resources to multiple agencies throughout the State with dedicated staff having the local reach and knowledge necessary to serve those experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless in their communities. This includes individualized case management, equitable provisions of supportive services, housing and utility assistance, housing information, and any additional referrals as needed. These funds are made possible through an annual funding allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
ESG services are a vital component to the stability and economic development of communities throughout West Virginia by assisting individuals and families who without this program’s assistance could become or remain homeless.
What Can the ESG Program Do for You?
ESG provides emergency shelter, including domestic violence shelter options, for individuals who are living in a place not meant for human habitation. This includes facilities that provide shelter during the day or overnight and are dedicated to providing clients with the necessary tools and services to help them get back on their feet. These agencies are staffed by employees and volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable and chronically homeless individuals in their communities.
The program rapidly rehouses individuals who, by no fault of their own, find themselves in a situation where they are literally homeless and are living in a place not meant for human habitation. This can be due to loss of income tied to a job loss, being trapped in a domestic violence situation, or being forced out of a residence. Agencies who provide this service follow a ‘housing first’ approach to ending homelessness in West Virginia, by getting clients into a stable housing environment as quickly as possible while providing essential services to help individuals get back on their feet.
ESG also provides housing and utility assistance for homelessness prevention to keep individuals and families that are at imminent risk or at-risk of losing housing and have nowhere else to go gain the stability necessary to avoid experiencing homeleness. Agencies who provide homelessness prevention services can often assist individuals to keep their current housing arrangement, settle unpaid rent, provide utility assistance, or move individuals into a new location.
You Are Experiencing Homelessness or at Risk of Losing Your Current Housing and Becoming Homeless, What Can You Do?
HELP IS AVAILABLE. Any individual or family experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless in the State of West Virginia may be eligible for this assistance. As a State agency, WV CAD does not provide direct services to individuals. However, it does fund a number of agencies providing these most vital services in all 55-counties within the State.
To check program eligibility, available programs and resources, and your county's ESG provider with contact information, click on the map below:
Our Commitment
“CAD’s Housing Programs is committed to ensuring ALL of our WV ESG funded agencies provide individualized and equitable treatment to all potential clients and current program participants of ESG including case management and connections to additional resources, provision of supportive services, and assistance with locating and maintaining affordable, safe housing options to persons currently experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence situations, and those households at imminent risk of losing their housing.”
If you encounter any barriers to accessing the WV ESG program, have any issues or concerns regarding the ESG agency, the services provided, eligibility for the program, or additional questions about the WV ESG program, please contact our office by email at [email protected] or by phone at (304) 558-2234.