LIHEAP - Repair and Replace Program
What is RRP?
The purpose of the LIHEAP Repair and Replace Program (RRP) is to aid eligible households in need of the repair or replacement of malfunctioning or non-operable heating and/or cooling systems or have no source of heat.
Heating / Cooling Assistance Dates:
- Heating Only: December 1 – November 30
- Heating & Cooling: December 1 – November 30
- Cooling Only: May 1 – September 30
Who is Eligible?
This program is designed to help low-income people with a household income at or below 60% of theState Median Income. The subrecipient will be responsible for certifying income qualification for the applicant. During the initial point of contact, the applicant will be informed of the income guidelines and the requirement for income verification.
Households must also include at least one (1) individual who meets the following criteria:
- Child that is age 5 or under,
- Individual age 60 or over,
- Individual with a diagnosed disability.
The primary heating system must meet at least one of the following criteria to receive services:
- Have a non-operable or severely malfunctioning and/or unsafe heating system potentially endangering the household’s health and/or well-being.
- Is using portable heating devices such as, but not limited to, electric and kerosene space heaters as a primary source of heat.
- Is using unvented gas/propane space heaters as a primary source of heat.
- Is using an unsafe fireplace or solid fuel.
- Have a fireplace or stove but do not have access to, or the means to purchase solid fuel.
- Is using any type of gas fired cooking appliance as a heating source.
How to Apply?
The State of West Virginia does not provide direct assistance to households. The State awards program funds to local non-profit Community Action Agencies that provide LIHEAP-RRP services in all 55 counties of West Virginia. To see who provides Repair and Replace Program services in your county, check out our resource map here:
Funding for LIHEAP - RRP
Amount: The LIHEAP Grant is received annually, and the amount varies around $6,000,000 depending on the WV Department of Human Service (DoHS) allocation received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources
Source of Funds: Federal Awarding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources; CFDA Number and Name: 93.568—Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
Funding Cycle: DoHS LIHEAP grants run October 1 through September 30.